
Association Rules

1 Title

The Title of the Association shall be the "Association of Suffolk Golf Captains" (thereinafter referred to as "The Association"


2 The Objects

To bring together all Captains of Clubs which are members of the Suffolk Golf Union so that the friendship formed during their terms may be preserved and their experience in the Royal and Ancient Game may be available to foster all aspects of Golf in the County of Suffolk.


3 Membership

Full Membership is restricted to Gentlemen Captains and Past Captains of Clubs which, during their term of office were full members of the Suffolk Golf Union. Applications shall be subject to the approval of the Council. However, Associate Membership shall (with the approval of the Council) be open to:-

a) Gentlemen Past Captains of Clubs newly joining the Suffolk Golf Union,

and b) Gentlemen Captains and Past Captains of Clubs outside the County of Suffolk who are permanently resident in the County.

In exceptional circumstances the Council may recommend the granting of Life Membership to a person or persons who have, in the Council’s opinion, earned this honour for services to the Association. Each recommendation to be confirmed by a majority of Full Members at the Annual General Meeting.


4 Association's Year

The Association's Financial Year shall run from the 1st January to the last day of December


5 Subscriptions

The level of subscriptions shall be fixed by the Council and must be paid by the 31st March, failing which membership will lapse automatically.


6 Council

The Council of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer and three other members. The positions of President and Vice President may only be held for one year. The Secretary/Treasurer automatically retires at the end of each year but may offer himself for re-election The three other members shall serve for three years each in rotation and then shall stand down for at least one year.

Any Full Member may offer himself for election to the Council and his nomination, signed by a Proposer and Seconder who must both be Full Members and accompanied by a letter from the candidate indicating his willingness to stand, must be received by the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Election shall be by secret ballot of all Full Members attending the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a tied vote the election will be decided by a lot drawn by the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting. A similar method will be used in the event of a number of vacancies and candidates being equal but the term to be served by each Council Member dissimilar (due to a replacement of a Council Member who has not served his full term of office), to decide the period to be served by each. The Council Member serving a shorter period in office as a result must stand down for one year after his term in office, before offering himself for re-election.

Should a vacancy occur on the Council at any time the Council may co-opt any Full Member to fill the vacancy at their discretion but such appointment must be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting.


7 Meetings

The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 30th May each year, being convened by the Council by notice properly given to all Members. (Associate Members may attend).

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Council and must be convened within 21 days of receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by ten Full Members.

Council Meetings shall be held as convenient but at least twice during the year. Four Members of the Council shall form a quorum and the President only shall have a casting vote.

The Council shall organise all Meetings, Golf Meetings, Matches, Dinners etc., and take any other steps which they consider to be in the interest of the Association and in accordance with its objects.


8 Rules

The Rules of the Association may only be altered by a majority of Full Members voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. However the Council may make any temporary decisions which it considers to be in the best interests of the Association which shall be binding on all Members for the remainder of the Year.

(As amended 20th May 1981, AGM 1990 and AGM2003)